Erica Pascetti


Erica Pascetti

Cohort: 2017-2018

Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Gilette

Department: Pathology

Home Institution: University of New Mexico

Research Interests: Stem Cell Biology

Scholar Description

My name is Erica Pascetti. I grew up in Los Lunas, New Mexico. I graduated from the University of New Mexico in the spring of 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, and a minor in Chemistry. I started working in the Gillette Laboratory when I participated in a program called the Undergraduate Pipeline Network. I continued my research over the next year while I was finishing my undergraduate degree. I applied to the PREP program because I wanted more experience in the lab before I joined a graduate school program. I hope to continue to pursue my passion of cancer biology in graduate school.

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PREP@UNM is the definitive program for preparing under-represented students for graduate school. If you are interested and eligible, you can apply right now.

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