Amelia Bierle

Cohort: 2019-2020
Faculty Mentor: Pavan Muttil, PhD
Department: Pharmacy
Home Institution: The University of New Mexico
Research Interests: Translational research
Scholar Description
I graduated from the University of New Mexico in 2019 where I obtained a BS degree in Biochemistry. During my time at UNM I played soccer for the Lobos and enjoyed giving back to the community through soccer and campus involvement such as Love Your Melon. My research interests are wide and varied, in my undergrad I worked in a colorectal cancer lab under direction by Dr. Chien Andy Hu. Currently, I am working in the Muttil laboratory in the College of Pharmacy. This research is exciting because it’s a translational research lab working to make vaccines safer and more accessible to populations in developing countries with poor cold-chain infrastructure, it also enables more efficient and widespread distribution of vaccine through pharmacies and by mail in industrialized countries to combat seasonal and pandemic outbreaks of diseases.