Christian Cabanlong


Christian Cabanlong

Cohort: 2015-2016

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michelle Ozbun

Department: Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Home Institution: The University of New Mexico

Research Interests: Immunotherapy and Experimental therapeutics

Scholar Description

I'm a 2014 University of New Mexico Graduate and now PREP scholar looking to apply to graduate schools with focuses in Immunotherapy and Experimental therapeutics. I’m interested in these two focuses because I want to study drug/immune interactions in different diseases in hopes of finding novel treatments or more optimistically cures. If I were to describe myself I would say that I’m a pretty laid back person who likes to keep things simple, and this attitude extends to my view on science because I want anybody to be able to understand it. My interests other than science are nutrition/fitness, videogames, anime, and reading.

Get Started Here

PREP@UNM is the definitive program for preparing under-represented students for graduate school. If you are interested and eligible, you can apply right now.

How to Apply