Dominic Medina


Dominic Medina

Cohort: 2017-2018

Faculty Mentor: Nichalus Carrol

Department: Chemical and Biological Engineering

Home Institution: University of New Mexico

Research Interests: 

Scholar Description

My name is Dominic Medina. I grew up in a small town in northern New Mexico and I moved to Albuquerque, NM to start school at The University of New Mexico. I graduated from UNM in the Spring of 2017 with my degree in Biochemistry and minors in Math and University Honors. As a undergraduate MARC scholar, I did research in Dr. Jefrey Brinker's lab where I worked on using nanoparticles as a delivery method for gene therapy in the form of plasmid DNA. As a PREP scholar, I am working in the lab of Dr. Nick Carroll where I am using elastin like polypeptides as a tool to systematically map cells to study cell-cell interactions and delivery of nanoparticles. Outside of lab, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family as well as playing sports or just trying to stay active.

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