Jazmin Xiong

Cohort: 2023-2024
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tou Yia Vue
Department: Department of Neurosciences, UNM HSC
Home Institution: University of Northern Colorado
Research Interests: Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, Stem Cells, Cell and Molecular Biology
Scholar Description
spring of 2023 from the University of Northern Colorado. During my year as a PREP Scholar, I
will be researching the expression of ASCL1 and OLIG2 transcription factors in Glioblastoma
tumor suppressor genes Tp53, Nf1, and Pten within mouse models under the mentorship of Dr.
Tou Yia Vue. After PREP, I plan to pursue my PhD in cancer research in the biomedical sciences
and begin a career in the industry. In my free time, I enjoy volunteering at animal shelters,
exploring new areas, playing volleyball with my local church youth group, and creating music on
my ukulele.