Joshua DeAguero

Cohort: 2015-2016
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dawn A. Delfin
Department: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Home Institution: The University of Idaho
Research Interests: Clinical Translational Research-Pathological Cardiac Remodeling
Scholar Description
After graduating from Northern New Mexico College in 2012 with my Bachelors of Science in Biology I hoped to be ready for the next step in my academic journey, graduate school. I soon realized that my undergraduate education was not what I felt it should be before applying to graduate school which is why I felt the FlyBase/PREP programs at UNM would be the best thing that one can do for their academic journey. I have always had great interest in research that will ultimately enhance the health and wellbeing of humans and by working in clinical translational research I am in one way achieving my goal by producing work that may offer a promising new treatment. This scholar year I will have the opportunity to delve into the world of translational research by working in the lab of Dr. Dawn Delfin where her lab studies the development and consequences of cardiac remodeling in specific regard to the progression towards heart failure and cardiomyopathy. After this scholar year I hope to be further along in my academic and research career with a greater footing for entering and prospering in high-caliber graduate program.