Joshua DeAguero

Cohort: 2016-2017
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dawn A. Delfin
Department: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Home Institution: Northern New Mexico College
Research Interests: Clinical Translational Research-Pathological Cardiac Remodeling
Scholar Description
After graduating from Northern New Mexico College in 2012 with my Bachelor's of Science in Biology I hoped to be ready for the next step in my academic journey, graduate school. I soon realized that my undergraduate education was not what I felt it should be before applying to graduate school which is why I felt the post-baccalaureate program, PREP, at UNM would be the best thing that one can do for their academic journey. I have always had great interest in cancer research, ultimately biomedical research as it's always been a dream to play a role in the eradication of diseases such as cancer. Although I am in the midst of choosing a lab to work in and a mentor, with PREP my dreams will in some way come to fruition as I will be participating in groundbreaking research right in my own backyard. After this scholar year I hope to be further along in my academic career with a greater footing for entering and prospering in high-caliber graduate program.