Niccolette Ochoa

Cohort: 2015-2016
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Joseph Cook
Department: Biology
Home Institution: University of New Mexico
Research Interests: Zoonotic Disease and Comparative Medicine
Scholar Description
My name is Niccolette Ochoa. I was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Anthropology with a minor in Chemistry. I’m interested in pursuing biomedical research within a veterinary background. In the future, I would like to be a part of the One Health Initiative where a network of physicians, veterinarians, and researchers collaborate to better understand the connections between humans, animals, and the environment and how it contributes to the health of all organisms. The One Health Initiative addresses public health concerns due to zoonotic disease and is a leading tactic in comparative medicine. I’m particularly interested in zoonotic and infectious diseases that are transmitted to humans from animal reservoirs. I would like to learn more about these zoonotic diseases and how we can address public health concerns with research.