Nicole Carroll


Nicole Carroll

Cohort: 2019-2020

Faculty Mentor: Judy Cannon, PhD

Department: Pathology

Home Institution: The University of New Mexico

Research Interests: Microbiology, parasitology, and molecular genetics

Scholar Description

I graduated from the University of New Mexico with my B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Psychology. During my undergraduate years, I worked in the Global Health department in Dr. Ivy Hurwitz’ lab studying single chain fragment variables and prevention/treatment methods of the Leishmaniasis disease. As a PREP scholar, I will be working in Dr. Judy Cannon’s lab in the department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology; I plan to study CD8 T cell responses from the influenza virus on mice models using various treatments such as metabolic inhibitors. I plan to further my passion in research by attending graduate school and earning my Ph.D. in the biomedical sciences, specifically in microbiology, parasitology, or molecular genetics. Outside of the lab, I enjoy attending concerts, eating Indian food, and practicing archery.

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