Nyabang Buom

Cohort: 2016-2017
Faculty Mentor: Pilar Sanjuan
Department: Neuroscience
Home Institution: Southwest Minnesota State University
Research Interests: Alcohol and Addiction research
Scholar Description
I graduated from Southwest Minnesota State University in 2016 with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology. I am particularly interested in alcohol and addiction research, I am currently doing research with Dr. Pilar Sanjuan at the Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. A few of the studies that we are working on include Maternal Alcohol and Drug Relapse, (MADRES) The Role of PTSD in relapse among pregnant substance using women(VIDA) and Psychophysiological and Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Dysregulation in Alcohol Disorders Comorbid with PTSD(Stress and the brain fMRI). Also In the lab is frequent collaboration with other researchers at the Mind Research Network. I enjoy this aspect of being able to work with other researchers because it allows me to diversify my knowledge in the Neurosciences, the majority of the research that I am working on involves neuroimaging techniques which is key to Alcohol and Addiction research. During my free time I enjoy running, lifting weights, and finding new ways to be active. My career goal is to obtain my PhD, become a researcher in the Neuroscience field and to one day be able to open up research labs in Africa, and create opportunities for students to become scientists.