Samantha Fox


Samantha Fox

Cohort: 2015-2016

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lee Taylor

Department: Biology

Home Institution: The University of New Mexico

Research Interests: Plant-Fungal Ecology

Scholar Description

After transferring to UNM for the remainder of my undergraduate studies and getting hands on experience in research, I found out just how fascinating the interactions of plants and fungi are, and also how vital they are to the world we live in. I am currently involved in research that focuses on the fungal interactions with orchids; some of which are non-photosynthetic. The lab focuses on using molecular techniques to help identify the fungi involved in these unique symbiotic relationships so that the ecology can be better understood. When I am not in school or doing research, I love to explore the outdoors through anything adventurous, like hiking, climbing, and kayaking. I also love to play and coach soccer. I plan to continue plant fungal ecology research for graduate studies and as a career.

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