Sandra Alvarez**


Cohort: 2017-2018

Faculty Mentor: Laurie Hudson

Department: Pharmaceutical Sciences

Home Institution: University of New Mexico

Research Interests: Molecular Toxicology and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Scholar Description

I am currently a post baccalaureate research scholar at the University of New Mexico my research has integrated the fields of toxicology and pharmacology in the lab of Dr. Laurie Hudson. I have also been exposed to the field of Bioinformatics through an intensive summer internship opportunity as an IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) scholar at the National Center for Genomic Resources. In my career as an undergraduate student and as a researcher, I have aimed at gaining a broad understanding of the principles and techniques from disciplines across the biomedical sciences. I am very interested in cross disciplinary training. My current research is focused on looking at the protective role of zinc supplementation as an antioxidant in arsenic and uranium induced oxidative stress response in immune cells. I am also looking at tissue distribution of zinc and arsenic using a mouse model.

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