Seth David


Seth David

Cohort: 2023-2024

Faculty Mentor: Dr. David N. Linsenbardt

Department: Department of Neurosciences

Home Institution: University of New Mexico

Research Interests: Behavioral Neurosciences, Genetics

Scholar Description

My research primarily focuses on characterizing and manipulating brain circuits involved in reward prediction, specifically in the context of the development of alcohol use disorders. My goal within the PREP year is to contribute to a growing body of research that leads to more effective treatments for substance use disorders. After the conclusion of PREP, I will transition to graduate school to obtain a PhD in Biomedical Science/Neuroscience, allowing me to continue exploring my interest in neurodegeneration and the biology of addiction. 

Beyond my academic pursuits, my favorite activities revolve around exploring New Mexico: road-trips, camping, and most of all, hiking.

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PREP@UNM is the definitive program for preparing under-represented students for graduate school. If you are interested and eligible, you can apply right now.

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